Cheek enhancements
Back to treatmentsCheek enhancements that sculpt and add volume
In addition to the eyes, the cheek region is primarily perceived by the observer. High cheekbones or well-defined cheek contours are an aesthetic feature, both in women and men. This area of the face is part of the so-called "Triangle of Beauty," which geometrically resembles an inverted triangle. Hyaluronic acid can be used to fill the cheeks, increasing cheek volume in a natural-looking way.
The ageing process, substantial weight loss, accidents or illnesses are all possible reasons for drooping or sagging cheeks. As a result, nasolabial folds (wrinkles around the nostril and mouth) tend to become more pronounced over time. Lifting the cheek area can help reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds, but there are limits to how much improvement can be achieved.
It's important to avoid excessive augmentation of the cheek area, especially for purely aesthetic reasons. Overdoing it can lead to a a distorted appearance and may contribute to sagging of the midface, thereby failing to effectively address deeper nasolabial folds and jowls. Unfortunately, many providers make unrealistic promises in this regard. Therefore, it's crucial to thoroughly educate yourself before deciding to undergo such treatment and carefully select a qualified practitioner.
People generally have a positive perception of a subtle enhancement or sculpting of the cheekbones. It's considered an aesthetically pleasing change, even though it may not always be explicitly recognized as such. Hyaluronan fillers are commonly used to achieve this effect.
In men, the flattening or loss of volume in the front area of the cheek is particularly noticeable. Unlike the treatment approach for women, specialists will focus on different aspects when treating men. You can find more information on this topic in the "Treatment for Men" section.
How are the cheeks shaped with hyaluronic acid?
Building or sculpting the cheeks or cheekbones can generally be achieved through the injection of a highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid gel. This can make the face appear more defined or (in men) more masculine.
How is the cheekbone enlargement performed?
To facilitate a relatively painless implantation of the gel, local anesthesia of the cheekbone region may be administered, if necessary. The implantation is carried out in close proximity to the cheekbones. The injection of hyaluronic acid should typically not exceed 1.5 ml per side in a single session. However, a larger quantity may be required, if the lower, potentially thinned cheek area is also being treated during the same session. When augmenting the cheekbones, the risk of material sagging is unlikely.
The cheekbone augmentation can be performed using either a sharp needle or a blunt cannula. The latter can be likened to a kind of micro-keyhole technique. Through a tiny access point, both the posterior and anterior areas of the cheekbone can be treated. Since this micro-cannula is rounded and blunt at the front, it is a very tissue-friendly method with minimal potential for side effects."
What can and what cannot be corrected?
As described above, the treatment of the cheeks with hyaluronic acid should not aim to lift lower facial structures in a dramatic manner. This type of "balloon technique" can lead to an aesthetically unpleasing result.
How long does the effect of hyaluronan filler for the cheeks last?
The effect of hyaluronic acid on the chin usually lasts for 9 to 12 months. With products of the latest generation, it is possible to achieve a significantly more extended effectiveness period of about 18 months. However, if you received an standard grade hyaluronan filler for your chin, we recommend a second treatment after 6 to 8 months. After that, the active period is more extensive, as well.
How painful is it to have your cheeks injected with hyaluronic acid?
In order to inject into the chin, the dermal filler is administered using fine needle or cannulas. Most people compare the sensation to that of an insect sting. Customers who have previously undergone acupuncture treatments often find the injections to be significantly less painful. In pain-sensitive patients, we can administer a highly effective numbing cream or local anesthetic injection. As a result, the treatment is relatively painless.
Risks and side effects
Local reactions such as redness and swelling are completely normal side effects of an injection. When using a gentle treatment technique and optimal preparation (no intake of blood-thinning medications), bruising is relatively rare. The same applies to local infections.
Follow-up and post-treatment
After 10 to 14 days, you should come in for a follow-up appointment so that the doctor can assess the result and, if necessary, provide additional treatment. This is not associated with any additional costs.
Post-procedure restrictions
You can return to work and other social activities immediately after the treatment. While you don't need to abstain from moderate physical activities, it's advisable to avoid high-intensity sports, swimming goggles, saunas, spas, facial massages and power yoga within the first 24 hours after treatment. Air travel is unrestricted, but please enjoy the sun only in moderation. Makeup and care products are permitted. (Our recommendation: Use new and unopened products, freshly cleaned brushes and new sponges.)
Pre-procedure preparation
For hygiene reasons, please refrain from wearing makeup, creams, or powder prior to the treatment. Additionally, inform us if you have taken any blood-thinning medications or similar substances in the last 10 days.