Treatment of forehead wrinkles and frown lines
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In addition to innate habits, involuntary continual furrowing of the forehead (e.g. to widen the gaze) over time leads to forehead wrinkles. Over the years, they can become permanent. Although there are many treatments for forehead wrinkles on the market, only relaxing the responsible forehead muscle corrects the problem. The treatment of forehead wrinkles with botulinum is one of the focal points of our treatments in Zurich.
The 'training away' of forehead lines with facial yoga, meditation or other methods is only successful in isolated cases and requires extreme discipline over a long period of time. By using the active ingredient botulinum toxin-A as an injection into the frown muscles, it is possible to achieve a temporary muscle relaxation. This significantly reduces or even eliminates the wrinkles on the forhead.
A wrinkle-free forehead in adulthood is usually the result of conscious training since childhood or natural habits. These people are often perceived as beautiful, but also as cold and lacking in empathy.
When treating forehead lines, it is therefore it is advisable to administer the botulinum in a way that maintains a certain degree of mobility of the forehead.
The treatment of forehead wrinkles with botulinum always includes the treatment of frown lines. Otherwise, there is an imbalance (mismatch) in the activity of the forehead-lifting and forehead-lowering muscle groups.
How does the active ingredient work?
The active ingredient, approved for both medical and aesthetic treatment, is injected directly into the muscle. This results in a pharmacologically induced, temporary interruption of the nerve signal to the tissue. It takes a few days before the active substance is absorbed and develops its effect at the specific target site. After 2 to 3 days, the effect starts to become apparent and fully unfolds within 7 to 14 days. The maximum effect is reached after 5 to 6 weeks.
How do I know if it worked?
The intended effect is reduced severity or disappearance of the forehead lines. You will also experience difficulties in raising your eyebrows.
Forehead wrinkles: botulinum or hyaluronan?
When it comes to filling forehead wrinkles, one should be very restrained. Injecting the forehead skin can lead to circulatory disorders, which can lead to further complications. Therefore, treatment for forehead wrinkles should primarily involve botulinum.
How long does botulinum last in forehead wrinkles?
The effect of botulinum on these nerve endings will fade after a while. The exact duration of the effect depends on the injected quantity and the initial muscle mass, as well as overall facial movements. The latter is different for each individual.
The treatment interval for the usual dosage of botulinum used in aesthetic medicine is generally 3 to 6 months. In individual cases, the effect lasts for less than three or more than six months. However, the second treatment with botulinum, should be scheduled 8 to 12 weeks after the first treatment. This is necessary to reduce the underlying muscle mass and extend the interval between the individual wrinkle treatments later on.
The pain
When treating the forehead lines with botulinum, the active substance is injected with fine needles. Most people perceive the injection to be similar to an insect bite. Costumers, who have previously undergone acupuncture treatment, find the injections to be significantly less painful. In extremly pain-sensitive individuals, the pain sensitivity can be reduced through ice pack application (cryoanaesthesia).
Local swelling and a slight redness within a couple hours after treatment appear in less than 10%. In rare cases haematomas or a minor headache might occur during the first few days. Our observation of individuals with pre-existing headaches (especially migraines) indicates, that there is often a decrease in frequency and intensity of such headaches.
Follow-up and post-treatment
After 10 to 14 days, you should come in for a follow-up appointment so that the doctor can assess the result and, if necessary, provide additional treatment. This is not associated with any additional costs.
The follow-up should take place no later than the end of the third week after the initial treatment. After that, you should only consider having your forehead lines treated again, when you notice a reduction in the effects of the botulinum. (approximately after 3 months).
Post-procedure restrictions
You can return to work and other social activities immediately after the treatment. While you don't need to abstain from moderate physical activities, it's advisable to avoid high-intensity sports, swimming goggles, saunas, spas, facial massages and power yoga within the first 24 hours after treatment. Air travel is unrestricted, but please enjoy the sun only in moderation. Makeup and care products are permitted. (Our recommendation: Use new and unopened products, freshly cleaned brushes and new sponges.)
Pre-procedure preparation
For hygiene reasons, please refrain from wearing makeup, creams, or powder prior to the treatment. Additionally, inform us if you have taken any blood-thinning medications or similar substances in the last 10 days.