Nose correction and enhancement
Back to treatmentsAesthetic nose correction and enhancement without surgery using hyaluronic acid
It is possible to enhance the appearance of the nose without surgery. A hyaluronan injection can make the nose appear more appealing and smaller. Visually distracting features of the nose, such as a drooping tip, a dimple at the tip, or a bump, can be effectively concealed. The doctors at SKINIC specialize in nose filler treatments in Zurich.
Nose fillers also have their limitations, which depend on the anatomical conditions. In the case of a very bumpy, prominent, or significantly asymmetrical nose, a surgical procedure performed by a colleague specializing in surgery may be more appropriate. Additionally, preserving the functionality of the nose is just as important as its aesthetics.
For all other cases, hyaluronan is a suitable treatment option for the nose. Additionally, this type of nose correction is more cost-effective.
Lifting the tip of the nose (nose tip correction)
A subtle lift for a drooping nasal tip can be achieved by building up the nasal bridge and injecting at the base of the nose. To some extent, even a hooked nose (eagle nose) can be straightened and thus aesthetically improved. However, there are limitations to what can be achieved with a nose tip correction. In such cases, the patient is referred to an appropriate specialist.
Straightening the nose bridge and bump
Nose correction without surgery: The visual camouflage of a nasal bump by straightening the nasal bridge with stabilized hyaluronic acid leads to one of the most impressive results in non-surgical nose corrections. The overall structure of the nose and the expertise of the treating physician are crucial factors in determining whether treatment with hyaluronan alone can achieve a good result.
Flat nose
A very flat nose bridge, as seen in Asian noses, can result in a lack of profile and depth in the face. In these cases, the face often appears round and flat. Hyaluronic acid injections can be performed using either a sharp or blunt technique.The filler reconstruction of a flat nose may need to be done in several steps."
How long does the hyaluronan effect last for nose correction?
The breakdown rate varies from case to case and also depends on the amount of hyaluronan used. A high-quality, stabilized hyaluronic acid gel ensures the longest possible duration. Particularly, firmly cross-linked hyaluronic acid can last well over a year. In most cases, the effect lasts between 9 and 18 months. There can be a very long-lasting effect after repeated treatments in the same region.
How painful is a nose correction without surgery?
The treatment is almost painless, thanks to an anaesthetic technique developed in-house. Alternatively, a potent anaesthetic cream can be applied instead.
Risks and side effects
It's important to mention mild swelling and bruising. Bruising can occur with both blunt and sharp treatment techniques. By properly compressing the treated area, this side effect can typically be effectively managed.
Follow-up and post-treatment
We recommend a follow-up appointment two weeks after the initial treatment. If a follow-up treatment is necessary, there will be no additional costs.
Post-procedure restrictions
Since swelling after the treatment is generally moderate, you should be socially presentable and able to return to work the next day. If you experience significant swelling, it's advisable to avoid sports, saunas, spa visits, and massages during this time. Minor bruises can usually be concealed with makeup. For more pronounced bruises, the application of a heparin cream is recommended to facilitate faster absorption.
Pre-procedure preparation
For hygiene reasons, please refrain from wearing makeup, creams, or powder prior to the treatment. Additionally, inform us if you have taken any blood-thinning medications or similar substances in the last 10 days.