Executive PRP treatment against hair loss and for smooth skin
Back to treatmentsThe autologous blood therapy, also known as the Vampire or Dracula Lift, is a non-surgical procedure using natural material – your specifically enriched blood. The Executive PRP treatment rejuvenates the skin, tightens it, and promotes hair growth in cases of early hair loss.
What is a Executive PRP treatment?
The Executive PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a specialised treatment method frequently used in our aesthetic clinic in Zurich to address hair loss, as it effectively stimulates hair growth. In the facial and décolletage areas, it regenerates and enhances the skin's structure through the injection of autologous blood. Over the past few years, the facial autologous blood therapy has become widely known as the Vampire or Dracula Lift. This treatment uses your own blood enriched with specific growth factors, i.e., biological proteins. Approximately 10ml of blood is drawn, similar to a standard blood sample, but using a specialised extraction system. The injected plasma has a rejuvenating effect, visibly smooths wrinkles, and makes the skin appear firmer.
How does Executive PRP treatment work for hair loss?
In cases of minor hair loss, visible success is achieved with the autologous blood treatment. The PRP (blood plasma) contained in the patient's own blood enriches the hair roots with its nutrients and thus stimulates and promotes hair growth. Regular application is important here. Executive PRP treatment is also successfully used for lasting results after a hair transplant.
For whom is the Executive PRP autologous blood treatment not suitable?
Executive PRP treatment is not effective in areas where there is no hair left, i.e. the hair follicles are presumably completely dead. This applies in particular to genetic hair loss (androgenic alopecia) in areas where hair has not grown for some time. The best indication for hair is incipient hair loss.
In the area of the face, vampire lifting does not lead to satisfactory results if the skin already shows strong visible signs of ageing. The skin is then often less elastic and more difficult to treat. Hydration therapy is recommended here.
What are the risks and side effects of the Vampire Lift?
Since the Executive PRP treatment is carried out using the body's own material, namely your own blood (blood plasma), the risks of the Vampire Lift are very low when carried out professionally and no negative effects are to be expected. Minor bruising, redness and swelling are possible. We will clarify any side effects with medication or other possible cross-reactions in a consultation before the PRP treatment.
What are the recommended intervals for Executive PRP treatment with autologous blood?
We recommend a treatment interval of 4 weeks and 3 to 4 repetitions for optimal hair growth results. We also recommend a 4 week interval before the next Executive PRP treatment for the face.
The result of this skin rejuvenation method depends on the extent of the already damaged skin, e.g. due to sun exposure, acne scars or other skin problems. The recommended duration of therapy will be communicated to you individually during the consultation.
For further questions about the Executive PRP treatment in our practice in Zurich, we will be happy to advise you in a personal consultation or call us without obligation for more detailed information about this unique method using your own blood.