Tear troughs removal
Back to treatmentsTreatment of dark circles and eye contours against dark shadows under the eyes
In addition to the mouth area, the eye region is particularly crucial in terms of facial aesthetics. When interacting with someone, people typically seek eye contact first, and within a fraction of a second, the initial visual impression is formed.
Many studies confirm this involuntary visual scanning pattern. This should also be a reason why the eye region requires special attention. In a minor procedure, it's possible to inject the under-eye area, leading to a noticeably younger and more refreshed appearance.
Tear troughs or shadows under the eyes can give the face a tired appearance, creating a worn-out look or indicating a significant lack of sleep. Age-related volume loss is typically one of the contributing factors responsible for the hollowed eye sockets and the characteristic tear troughs.
Under-eye circles can have various causes and may even exist from childhood or youth, but they tend to become more pronounced with age. As a result, many individuals wish to have their tear troughs addressed.
Hollow eye sockets can be effectively filled with hyaluronan. The goal is to lift the sunken skin under the eyes. This helps reduce the appearance of eye rims and shadows, ultimately minimizing tear troughs. However, suitable anatomical conditions and a high level of specialization from the doctor are prerequisites for this procedure. Some tear troughs can be technically demanding, so it's essential to inquire about the experience of the practitioner performing the injection.
Blunt microcannulas are ideal for the treatment, using a tiny access hole, both the inner and side areas of the tear troughs under the eyes can be treated. Since the fine cannula is rounded and blunt at the tip, it's an extremely tissue-preserving method with a low risk of side effects.
What can and what cannot be corrected?
Sometimes, dark under-eye circles are accompanied by puffiness or bags under the eyes. If the skin in this area still has some firmness, it is possible to remove the undereye-bags when treating the dark circles. However, if the skin of the lower eyelid is too loose, any form of volumization should be avoided, as this can lead to persistent swelling under the eyes. If you want to have eye wrinkles removed, you can find more information about this in the "Crow's Feet" section.
Pigmentation or extremely thin lower eyelid tissue can also be responsible for dark circles under the eyes. This is often associated with a loss of volume in the fatty tissue. In such cases, you can expect only a partial improvement or correction. Pronounced pigmentation can be addressed with peeling or lightening methods, but it's important to undergo such treatment at a specialized clinic.
How long does the hyaluronan effect last?
The effect of hyaluronic acid on the nasolabial folds usually lasts for 8 to 12 months. A significantly longer lasting result is not uncommon. Often the result can last for several years.
The treatment is almost painless, thanks to an anaesthetic technique developed in-house. Alternatively, a potent anaesthetic cream can be applied instead.
Risks and side-effects
During the first initial days, moderate swelling may occur in the lower eyelid area. It usually disappears after 24 to 72 hours. In individual cases swelling might last longer than 5 days.
Bruises are rare if the treatment technique is gentle, and the preparation is optimal (no blood-thinning medication). The microcannula technique has clear advantages over the classical method with a sharp needle in terms of minimising the risk of bruising or other vascular complications.
Follow-up and after-treatment
We recommend a follow-up appointment two weeks after the initial treatment. If a follow-up treatment is necessary, there will be no additional costs.
Post-procedure restrictions
Since swelling after the treatment is generally moderate, you should be socially presentable and able to return to work the next day. If you experience significant swelling, it's advisable to avoid sports, saunas, spa visits, and massages during this time. Minor bruises can usually be concealed with makeup. For more pronounced bruises, the application of a heparin cream is recommended to facilitate faster absorption.
Pre-procedure preparation
For hygiene reasons, please refrain from wearing makeup, creams, or powder prior to the treatment. Additionally, inform us if you have taken any blood-thinning medications or similar substances in the last 10 days.